Railroad Quiet Zones
FRA APPROVED Railroad Quiet Zone System
Creating a railroad quiet zone using a median separator such as a QWICK KURB System is an approved recommendation by the Federal Railroad Administration. Studies have shown using QWICK Kurb Raised Curb Channelizing Systems at grade crossings can decrease gate rushes by 70%*.
According to the Federal Railroad Association, studies conducted at locations where traffic lane separator channelizing devices have been installed show positive changes in unsafe driver behavior as a result of the treatments. When meeting certain requirements, traffic channelization devices and median barriers are an approved supplemental safety measure for the establishment of quiet zones. Traffic channelization devices are low cost and this makes them an attractive option for improving safety at highway-rail grade crossings.
When the QWICK KURB System is installed between yellow lines in a median at a grade crossing intersection, motorists are discouraged from driving around an active railroad gate.

Railroad Quiet Zones even in the Harshest Environments
QWICK KURB® MEGA MARKER™ Panels and Continuous Curbing have been tested for over 20 years in all weather conditions. Panels can accept up to 224 square inches of reflective sheeting per side to achieve the highest level of night visibility. In addition, the unique two-part vertical, with rebounding boot support, allows markers to remain upright in the most demanding environments.
Qualifies as an FRA Supplemental Safety Measure
The FRA’s regulation allows communities to implement safety measures in order to create quiet zones. A community may qualify for a quiet zone by closing crossings or protecting grade crossings with gates, flashing lights, and additional signage; plus one supplemental safety measure (SSM).
SSM categorys include temporary closure of the crossing, four quadrant gates, converting streets to one-way, or use of medians with channelization devices.
Medians with channelization devices include markers with high intensity yellow sheeting mounted to raised curbs with reflective arcs. The QWICK KURB System is included and recognized under this category.
While SSMs are generally expensive and maintenance intensive, The QWICK KURB System is the exception.

Adheres to Federal Railroad Quiet Zone Regulations
Two 100 ft. sections of QWICK KURB Continuous Curb, can be installed in about three hours at a fraction of the cost of other SSMs, with little maintenance thereafter. Additional road work or crossing closures are not required to install the system.
Crossings using the QWICK KURB System have proven effective in communities throughout the U.S. and Canada. Several installations are now over ten years old. No other mountable median has proven such durability and effectiveness at discouraging drive-around gate violations.
Grade crossing safety upgrades, where the QWICK KURB System is installed, have proven to be effective in both rural and urban communities.

A mountable median with channelization is the most cost effective Federal Railroad Administration Supplementary Safety Measure >>> The QWICK KURB System is the most durable mountable median channelizer available.
Interlocking Continuous Curb
Just like anchoring barrier wall, a secure connection between curbs is essential. Molding a heavy duty hook into the Continuous Longitudinal Channelizer strengthens the connection.

3.5 Inches High, No Vaulting
The unique two tier design of the QWICK KURB System allows the channelizing curb to be as tall as possible without vehicle vaulting.
Molded rubber feet on the bottom of the curb raise the system above the road surface to facilitate water run-off.
The Strongest Bond
The combination of a smart two-tier design that can exert downward pressure during a run over, a lateral connection similar to portable concrete barrier and anchors secure the QWICK KURB System to the roadway.

Reboundable Boot
QWICK KURB Panels connect to the curb base using the unique QWICK KURB two-part vertical rebounding flex boot support. This allows for installation of extra-tall 42 inch markers that can spring back to an upright position after an impact.